Janet Driscoll Miller

Janet Driscoll Miller

Janet Miller is the President and CEO of Marketing Mojo. She regularly blogs on a variety of search engine marketing topics, often focusing on technical solutions. You can find her on Twitter @janetdmiller.


The trouble with truth

Do search engines and other content distribution platforms have a responsibility to present information that is true? Columnist Janet Driscoll Miller discusses the issues surrounding this question.


The ins and outs of an SEO audit

How should you perform a site audit? What tools should you use? And how can you best present your findings to attain buy-in? Columnist Janet Driscoll Miller recaps a presentation at SMX West that covered these questions and more.


10 Tips To Understanding & Segmenting Your Organic Traffic

All too often when I take on new SEO clients, I find that most of them do not have Google Analytics set up correctly. Incorrect Google Analytics implementations (often) lead to incorrect data, which in turn can lead to incorrect assumptions about organic traffic, SEO strategy, and how organic visitors convert on a site. I’ve […]

Google News

Should You Gate Content? The SEO Implications

Content marketing is the hot topic these days, but lead generation marketers are faced with a conundrum: How do I get the visibility for my content via organic search while at the same time capturing leads? Are SEO and gated content mutually exclusive? There’s no magic answer to this question, but there are some important considerations […]


Panda 4.0: Redefining Site Authority

Everyone in SEO talks about it: authority. It’s the key measurement for ranking, right? But what defines authority in the eyes of each search engine? We all have our theories and correlations, and authority measurement has certainly changed over the years as new signals emerge that may give engines a better idea of a website’s true […]

Google Analytics

Are PDFs Optimal For SEO? The Pros And Cons

I expect that most everyone working in SEO knows that PDFs are indexable by search engines. PDFs can also appear with an authorship-rich snippet in Google SERPs. But, just because a file format can be indexed doesn’t always mean that it’s the ideal approach. Today, I’d like to explore the pros and cons of PDFs […]

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